The state of the cookie-apocalypse

The state of the cookie-apocalypse

21 September 2020 |

Data, Insights, Privacy

The state of the cookie apocalypse has many in the industry looking to innovate with new data opportunities. Those small, overlooked, yet sometimes intrusive and privacy breaching pieces of code that we rely on so well are on the way out. Since our last article on the changing world of cookies, there are some exciting updates to share. 

So what’s happened since then?

In January 2020, Google announced its plan to phase out third party cookies within two years in order to make the web more secure and private for users. There has been no update on the exact data since then, however that hasn’t stopped us planning for the future.

  • Relief: Apple is delaying it’s restrictions on the use of their IDFA until early 2021, which is a relief for many developers across the country who have an app and privacy rules to now adhere to.


  • Identity: LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) enables publishers and advertisers to match first party data with LiveRamp’s people-based identifier, providing audience addressability without third-party cookies or the above mentioned device-based identifiers. Many Supply Side platforms have adopted this as a way of targeting, as have publishers with Seven West Media being the latest to get on board to bolster their audience targeting beyond a cookie less world.


  • Innovation: have signed up to Adobe Audience match, in a global world first, right here in Australia! This enables advertisers to upload first party data to match against Nine’s 13 million Australians across the web. For those who use Facebook Custom Audiences, or Google audiences, this will act in the same way, which means as advertisers we’ll be able to use first party data across sites outside Google & Facebook alone.


We’re sure there will be many more updates in this ever evolving space before the end of the year, stay tuned!