TEADS is a high impact, cross platform publisher that runs across premium content sites such as Buzzfeed, Huffpost, Urban List, BBC and Junkee. TEADS seeks to make ad placements engaging whilst not overpowering, giving the user the power to watch or engage via interactive ad units.
TEADS native:
- Leverages existing native assets to extend campaign reach across brand safe content. Native ads appear in seeded in-article placements, ads have high viewability.
In read video: Video appearing in written content.
Considered the mobile primetime
Plays when the video is in view
Validated by verification providers MOAT, filtered by Double Verify.
In read Social: Social creatives on trusted publisher sites.
The same format that would appear across Instagram or Facebook feed which is then delivered directly into written content.
Display: Drive customer personalisation with “slider” and “swiper” formats.
85% viewable, 1.2% Swipe rates
Interactive display formats (“Flow” and “Drag & Drop”) have an average dwell time of 18 sec.
In read cinemagraph (scrollable full and half page ads) can be fully optimised using the TEADS studio. 75% viewable, 0.2% CTR and 9 sec dwell time.
TEADS’ allows brands to customise existing creative, engaging users while still remaining unintrusive to the users reading experience. TEADS have a high standard display viewability rate of 82%. TEADS is an impactful publisher to use across both awareness and consideration campaigns.
Reach out to your ADMATICian to learn more about how TEADS can boost your next campaign.
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